The rise of the blog entrepreneur Krantz Charles

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Dedicated, professional, eager to succeed, innovative and passionate are just some of the words used to describe Krantz Charles Mwantepele. He realized there was a deficiency and opportunity in Internet marketing but did not wait for changes, he made them happen. With no IT background, just a passion for news reporting, he has successfully
created three blogs; Mwanaharakati Mzalendo, harakati180+ and +255trending newsput as well as an application on Google Play Store for his Mwanaharakati Mzalendo blog. Mwanaharakati Mzalendo has been recognized in the country
and in Africa as the one of the best political, news, educational and general blogs. MAN magazine correspondent, Lisa Baraba sat down with Krantz to find out who is the man behind the laptop; his journey, aspirations and the mark he has left in the blogosphere.

Who prompted you to start your blog?

I have always been interested in media and news reporting from my early stages. Throughout my ordinary and Advanced level studies, I have been involved with the school magazine and the school newsletter. In my school days I would go to the library, read on current issues and report it to my peers. Of course on the journey to starting Mwanaharakati Mzalendo I drew inspiration from bloggers like Michuzi and Haki Ngowi.

I am sure you write with a purpose and a particular segment of the society. Tell me, who is a Mwanaharakati Mzalendo?

Anybody and everybody is “Mwanaharakati Mzalendo” so to speak. Earlier on during my school days in seminary school I realized that many youth were not interested in current global affairs. So I set out my blog to capture the young person since I already had the content for the more mature section of society. Now there is something for everybody; the student, the working man/woman, the entrepreneur, for me and for you. We are all “Mwanaharakati Mzalendo”.

We are more and more of an interest in many people on the internet and in blogging. I am curious with all these blogs around, what gives Mwanaharakati Mzalendo that edge above the competition?

Key aspect is originality. I come up with my own content as opposed to taking it down and pasting in to my space. I have a friendly approach to the readers, giving out my contact information so they can give comments, feedback or stories they would like us to follow up on. Recently, I opened up an application with Google Play by the name of my blog. Look it up! We are objective and never post content that makes someone target to ridicule or hatred of any kind. We believe in hard hitting news that benefits our readers. We also give previews and references on our sites for more understanding.

Discipline to post interesting topics frequently is often cited as one of the requirements to a successful blog. What other factors, in your opinion, can make a blog successful?

Forming relationships with the readers, interactive posts tips on various subjects like love and life. I also have
great communication with some other bloggers. The key is realizing that it is not about competition it’s about
bettering yourself and accepting that you do not know everything. Every once in a while someone will beat you to that story. I do post the news to my readers but make sure to give them their due credit.

Is it possible for someone to have a blog as his full time, income generating business or are blogs simply side projects that can earn people some extra income?

Yes it is very possible. It has to be your passion and profession like with Kenyans and Nigerians. I blog on
my own free time and I recently have hired two more individuals to assist me with Marketing and IT. These two
have degrees in their respective fields and earn incomes from the work they do on Mwanaharakati Mzalendo. Like
all jobs it needs commitment to blogging all day and being on media as much as possible. You do not want to miss a
thing in this business. Mwanaharakati Mzalendo has been known for breaking the news first. That’s how you do it.

You have reputable companies advertising with your blog. How long did it take you to get the first company to advertise with you?

Two years. It was after winning the Tanzania Blog Award for best political blog and first runner up for best news
blog in 2012. It was a UK based company called Serengeti Clearers and Forwarders. In the beginning I offered them
the space for free as a trial run, but after a month I started to receive commissions from them. They were impressed with the response.

What are your future plans for your blog?

To be recognized beyond national borders as an international blog. And it has already started with the nomination I received this year for the best educational and political blog from the African Blog Awards 2014. It takes me and this blog to another level. I am ecstatic.

What advice do you give to anyone who would like to start a blog that generates income?

Content; give people what they want with someone you are proud of. Professionalism; know what you are about
and stick to it. Set goals as to what your blog is about and what it is for. Keep it fresh and always try to give it new looks every now and then. Love what you do and last but not least: creativity matters.

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